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BCDA appointed CEO Arnel Casanova is calling for a turnover of all properties, including on-going projects and he wants to drive investors away and to vacate Camp John Hay, regardless of their lease. 

When Camp John Hay was still under the control of CJHDevCo, it was fully developed and has been known to be a famous tourist spot in Baguio. It has good contributions in tourism and economy.

When BCDA started to intervene, appointed CEO Arnel Casanova caused trouble in terms of managing the place. However he wanted to take over the Camp John Hay it results that he had no concrete plan how to make it effectively. He was doubted that he may sell the camp to other investor that can benefit with him.

As he continues to hinder Camp John Hay rrogress, Casanova is reportedly harassing the Camp John Hay DevelopmentAuthority (CJHDevCo) including locators and sub-leases of the former American bases.

Camp John Hay is situated in a big uncertainty. Because of this situation, any land development is being hindered, obstructing any progress and growth for the popular tourist spot.

With all sorts of harassmentprivate developers have difficulty in getting withholding permits and similar delaying tactics.

When Casanova became the CEO, Camp John Hay went in chaos.

BCDA argued that since CJHDevCo refuses to provide them with copies of contracts between CJHDevCo and third parties, they are not obligated to honor such contracts.

Casanova assures that, CJHDevCo will be refunded the P1.42 billion they have paid, which should then be returned to third parties who will have to be driven out of their contracts - upon the turnover.

He has personal interest in doing this and many people have noticed it.

Simple as wanting the CJHDevCo get out of the picture to move Ayala into position.

This preference has domino effect, including lesser funding for projects, according to Baguio City Mayor Mario Domogan.

Even though the government announced that they have no plans to close down Camp John Hay or the businesses insider the establishment in order to pacify investors who expressed concerns “over the possibility of having their businesses disrupted… especially going into the peak season” due to the ongoing conflict between BCDA and CJHDevCo.

He is such a bully and he is a clear example of personal corruption.

With his actions to public, there are reasons to believe that Casanova pockets a significant sum from billions of pesos the BCDA generates and receives bribes from corporations to fund an excessive lifestyle.

There should be in control. Sooner or later Casanova will fully take over and that is not a good sign.

CHJDEVCO should still be in control of Camp John Hay. They know know best more than BCDA.

A group who honors agreement between the camp, its buyers, sub-lessees, sub-locators, and hotel unit owners must be held authority.

During their time of authority, the camp has developed into a fully realized tourist attraction, boosting not just Baguio’s tourism economy, but also the whole country.

With Casanova's incapacity, BCDA will not completely follow the tribunal decision.

